leahcim: white suffolks
- Mating 600 mixed age breeding ewes
- Mating 400 ewe lambs
- Matesel used to maximize genetic gain
- Selling approximately 400 rams annually
- Delivering rams in October every year
- Every stud sheep has full DNA pedigree
- Every stud sheep has the full ASBV information available through Sheep Genetics
- Only trait leading sires with both carcase and red meat eating quality used within the Stud
OJD M3 - 8 PTS
NO. S85
NO. 260
Leahcim White Suffolk vision
Leahcim was one of eighteen foundation flocks that were very involved with the development and structuring of the breed in the early days. The White Suffolk breed has always had a strong connection with Sheep Genetics and the development of ASBV’s within the sheep meat industry. Over the last 10 years Leahcim has changed its direction from a large frame White Suffolk that was quite lean with average muscle (Ideal for the shows) to a sheep that has high early growth with moderate fat and very positive for muscle. The big change at Leahcim since 2014 is the identification and use of genetics with the best available eating quality traits while maintaining the best carcase ASBV’s within the industry. The White Suffolk breed have some of the best meat eating quality sheep in Australia and we believe Leahcim has used the best of them that have been identified. All ewe mating’s are designed with the use of Matesel which in a computer program designed to maximize genetic gain and reduce inbreeding using our sheep’s information within Sheep Genetics. Leahcim is increasing our ewe flock numbers along with the quality of genetics to be able to offer large numbers of rams managed under very commercial conditions.